Sunday, November 30, 2014

Correction on Thanksgiving Post

Curt's sister, Patty, who is an avid birder, asked a couple of questions that caused us to take a closer look at the bird we saw "fishing" in the hold of the boat on Thanksgiving Day. Turns out it wasn't a reddish heron. After consulting Peterson's and Sibley's guides, and after looking at our photos more carefully, we've determined that it was actually a juvenile great blue heron. The smaller size and different coloration threw us off, so we figured at first that it wasn't a great blue. That left the reddish egret in our minds. But, as Patty pointed out, this guy really has a heron's head, neck and body. And the one reddish egret that we positively identified on a previous trip to Rockport really was much more shaggy looking, as it shows in the bird guide photos.

Good call, Patty! Thanks for keeping us honest!

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