Sunday, June 29, 2014

At Last...New England!

Day 20: Sunday, June 28

We were up early this morning to attend church in Stroudsburg, a 25 minute drive from our campsite. We actually made it on time for the 8:30 service, which we thought was a pretty good feat while camping! The Stroudsburg United Methodist Church, right smack in the middle of town on Main Street, is a magnificent and beautifully maintained house of worship. It started in 1788, just 12 years after the Declaration of Independence was signed. That's 226 years ago!

Pastor Bob Shank delivered a great sermon about loving our enemies as well as our neighbors. We really enjoyed being in such a friendly and welcoming church.

We zipped back to camp to pack up for our longer driving day. We've now packed and unpacked enough times that we can put everything in its place fairly quickly before lowering down the top of the pop-up. Here's a photo of the camper just before closing it up. Keep in mind that we wouldn't have NEARLY this much stuff in there for a weekend trip...but since we don't know how long we'll be on the road, we're hauling a lot more than usual:

We got the bicycles back on the trailer. When we started the trip, we couldn't take everything, so Curt opted for the bikes over the spare tire for the trailer. As he's fond of saying, "That's why we pay for AAA!" So we had a special socket welded on for the dual bike rack that our friend Mark Bryan gave us years ago. Thanks, Mark!

Once on the road, we passed pretty quickly from Pennsylvania into New York. 
it was a lovely, green drive along the edge of the Adirondacks...and when we saw the following sign, we kept going straight!

As we crossed the Hudson River, we had to place a phone call to our son Hudson...just for the fun of it!

Once we hit Massachusetts the landscape was even more green (if that's possible!) and more heavily wooded.

Finally we arrived at Ross and Lorna Shirer's lovely home in Southampton, MA. How great to see them again after so long! We counted's been 25 years since these brothers have seen each other. That's FAR too long!
To our surprise and delight, Ross and Lorna's son, Ross III, his wife Tracy, and their 4-year-old daughter Madison were also here to greet us. We spent a relaxing afternoon with the family, visiting, swimming, touring the gardens, cooking and eating together.... There's something really special about kinfolk!
What do you think? Is there any family resemblance between brothers Ross and Curt, and Ross's son, Ross III?

We're so happy to be at one of the major destinations of our trip. This is one of the main reasons we decided to do this. There will be more family members coming over the next few days, and we can't wait to see them all!

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